Daubenton's and Barbastelle Bats (Year 3)

Our Teachers

Mrs Leanne Cunningham
Miss Hollie Wiltshire 
Miss Tia Thompson

Our Teaching Assistants

What We’re Learning

Term 1

How did invention cause change between the Stone Age and Iron Age?

Term 2

How did invention cause change between the Stone Age and Iron Age?

Term 3

Why do we have earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis?  

Term 4

Why do we have earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis?  

Term 5

What did the Romans do for us? 

Term 6

What did the Romans do for us? 

Recommended Reads for Year 3

50 books that are recommended for
7 and 8 year olds

Class Gallery

What We Learnt in Year 2

Term 1

What makes someone significant? 

Term 2

What’s around our school?

Term 3

What is the importance of the role of a Monarch?

Term 4

What is the importance of the role of a Monarch?

Term 5 + 6

How does the weather affect our coastline? 

Why do people travel across the seas? 

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