Pipistrelle Bats (Nursery)

Our Nursery Leads

Mrs Theo Gaines
Mrs Katie Hill
Mrs Emma Rogers

Our Teaching Assistants

Miss Becky Watson
Mrs Deborah Knight
Mrs Justyna Haladyn

“Welcome to the Pipstrelles Nursery page. Here you will find out all about what our Nursery children are up to this term. If you have any questions about our topics, please talk to a member of the Pipistrelles team or call the school office.”

Mrs Rogers, Nursery Lead

Nursery Information

Please view or download our information pack for Nursery places across The Mead sites and other Mead Trust schools

Our Class Photos

Moving into Reception

Whether your child is joining our Reception class, or going to another school, here is some useful information about how you can help your child move up from Nursery into their Reception year.

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