Alcathoe and Serotine Bats (Year 4)

Our Teachers

Mrs Fay Perdicchia
Miss Victoria Ball

Our Teaching Assistants

Miss Kim Sloan

What We’re Learning

Term 1

How did life in Britain change following the invasion of the Anglo Saxons and then the Vikings?

Term 2

How did life in Britain change following the invasion of the Anglo Saxons and then the Vikings?

Term 3

Could we ever run out of water? 

Term 4

Could we ever run out of water? 

Term 5 & 6

What were the greatest achievements of the earliest civilisations? 

What We Learnt in Year 3

Term 1

How did invention cause change between the Stone Age and the Iron Age?

Term 2

How did invention cause change between the Stone Age and the Iron Age?

Term 3 + 4

Why do we have earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis?  

Term 5 + 6

What did the Romans do for us?

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