Year 2 Scented Gardens

What an amazing start to Year 2’s Scented Garden topic. They started by finding out facts about plants from information books. They then swapped petals to read each other’s facts before using them to make fact flowers for their display. This afternoon (24th...

West Wiltshire Dance Festival

What an incredible performance from the dance crew at the West Wilts Dance Festival this evening (Thursday 13th February 2020)! Well done all and thank you Mrs Brotherton and Miss Vowles!

Whole school celebrates Number Day

Children and staff from across the whole school dressed up today to celebrate and fundraise for NSPCC’s Number Day. We were inspired by Number Zoo – Year 2 love Tommy the Toad’s times table rhyme and Year 2 had a fantastic time spotting number...

Year 5 Peasants’ Revolt speeches

Year 5 children showed incredible courage and skill when reading their brilliant Peasants’ Revolt speeches to parents today (13th February 2020). It truly was a Fabulous Finish and show-cased amazing progress in oracy, writing and learning from history. Wat...
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