Whole school celebrates Number Day

Children and staff from across the whole school dressed up today to celebrate and fundraise for NSPCC’s Number Day. We were inspired by Number Zoo – Year 2 love Tommy the Toad’s times table rhyme and Year 2 had a fantastic time spotting number...

Year 5 Peasants’ Revolt speeches

Year 5 children showed incredible courage and skill when reading their brilliant Peasants’ Revolt speeches to parents today (13th February 2020). It truly was a Fabulous Finish and show-cased amazing progress in oracy, writing and learning from history. Wat...

Rob Marshall visit

We have had a very exciting day (Friday 10th February 2020) welcoming Rob Marshall into school. He delivered a brilliant assembly this morning where we learnt all about how he became an athlete and then the whole school did circuits in the hall.
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