Fruit Bats and Bechstein's Bats (Year 6)

Our Teacher

Mrs Emily Young
Mr Alex Willmott

Our Teaching Assistants

Miss Jena Fleet
Mrs Catherine Howell

What We’re Learning

Term 1

What happens if the ice melts?

Term 2

What happens if the ice melts?

Term 3

What are the similarities and differences between Benin and Britain at the same period of history? 

Term 4

What are the similarities and differences between Benin and Britain at the same period of history? 

Term 5 & 6

 How and why did Britain change between 1914 and 1945? 

What We Learnt In Year 5

Term 1 + 2

How did political, religious and cultural changes affect life after 1066? 

Term 3

Where does our food really come from?  

Term 4

Where does our food really come from?

Term 5

How did Ancient Greek life and achievements influence the western world?

Term 6

How did Ancient Greek life and achievements influence the western world?

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